Hollyoaks’ Peri left shocked over Abe in 13 new spoiler pictures

Watch: Hollyoaks Soap Scoop! Peri gets suspicious of Abe

preview for Hollyoaks Soap Scoop! Peri gets suspicious of Abe

Coming up on Hollyoaks, Peri Lomax does some detective work as she grows increasingly suspicious over Abe Fielding’s secrets.

Will Peri confide in her mum Leela over what’s going on? And will more answers be revealed when Cleo McQueen wakes from her coma?

Our 13-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what’s in store.


Monday, January 6: Peri does some detective work

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She takes a look at the makeshift wedding dress that Cleo was wearing at the time of the car accident.


Monday, January 6: Peri is concerned

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The wedding dress matches a pillowcase that she spotted in Abe’s cupboard earlier on.


Monday, January 6: Zoe and Prince walk in

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They rumble Peri’s detective work.


Monday, January 6: Peri is put on the spot

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She has to explain what she’s up to.


Monday, January 6: Peri is told to leave

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She complies, but makes it clear that she thinks something doesn’t add up.


Monday, January 6: Prince is standing firm

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He wants Peri to stay away from Cleo and the family.


Monday, January 6: Zoe and Prince may be at odds

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Does Zoe want to handle the situation differently?


Tuesday, January 7: Peri arrives at the Lomax house

She’s in a daze after the latest incident with Abe.

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Tuesday, January 7: Leela is worried

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She can see that something is troubling Peri.


Tuesday, January 7: Peri has a decision to make

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Will she tell Leela the truth about Abe being a danger to women and that he’s hiding secrets regarding Cleo?


Wednesday, January 8: Leela and Joel are desperate for answers

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When Cleo comes out of the coma, they hope that she’ll tell them the full story about Abe because it could help Peri.


Wednesday, January 8: Martha is opening up over the past

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She has been telling Sienna about her abusive relationship with Charles.


Wednesday, January 8: Sienna is supporting Martha

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She has helped Martha to track down some old records.

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